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Brain Health


No matter what our age, our brain can still grow and repair. The notion that the brain is able to change in response to stimulation, an ability known as “neuroplasticity,” is now so widely accepted it can be called fact.


Our EARS are the gateway to unlocking the tremendous potential for lasting brain change by activating neural pathways used in the processing of sensory information. Neuronal connections in these pathways are strengthened and new connections are established through repeated sessions of multi-sensory input.


At the Vestibule, we are certified providers of several  neuroscience-based programs that REDUCE anxiety, dysregulation, and auditory sensitivity; and IMPROVE learning & attention, social engagement, productivity & focus, brain healing, and SLEEP.


You will find a lot of options for improving brain health over the next few pages. Many of them require clinical supervision for best results, and some of them can be used together. I urge you to schedule a free Brain Health Exploration Call so we can begin to put together a customized plan for you and your family that fits into your lifestyle, schedule, and budget.


Anxiety & Dysregulation

Does this describe you or your child?


  • Difficulty connecting with others

  • Uncomfortable in social situations

  • Inability to read social cues

  • Avoids eye contact

  • Prone to meltdowns or lashing out in frustration or anger

  • Overly sensitive to background sound or loud noises

  • Hyper-vigilant, feeling constantly on alert

  • Lack of self-confidence


Fortunately, there is a short-term, non-invasive listening program that has proven highly successful in improving regulation for both children and adults. It's called the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP).


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Productivity & Focus

The necessity of keeping our brain sharp at any age is making headlines every day. Check out this page for a pleasurable and affordable way to sharpen your focus, boost your energy, and elevate your mood by listening to therapeutically composed music for as little as 15 minutes a day.


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Learning & Attention

Do you or your child suffer from... ? 



  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Auditory / sensory processing issues

  • Dyslexia or other learning disability

  • Traumatic brain injury, including stroke


Now, there is a sound-based solution that is clinically successful at addressing learning, attention, neuro-developmental, and sensory processing issues. It actually changes the brain by developing healthy new neural connections. Even better, it is completely non-invasive and fun—and can be used in the comfort of your home.


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Stress & Sleep

When stress becomes chronic, and insomnia becomes entrenched, our brain learns to reinforce these patterns and actually becomes less flexible. BrainTime is an online listening program that effortlessly takes your brain to the gym to restore flexibility and resilience in minutes.


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Let's Chat!

Brain Health Exploration Call

There's a lot to consider in choosing a pathway to building  a better brain. Let's meet online to explore the Brain Health options that best meet your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle.​

© 2024 The Vestibule Center for Sound Living

El Cerrito, San Francisco East Bay, CA | 510-232-6024




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